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Yesterday, Lynn Saunders, owner of the Atlantis Spiritual Centre in Crews Hill hosted a day of divination. This well-equipped centre has excellent free parking and is just five minutes walk from Crews Hill station. The group room is comfortable for a small number of attenders or for a larger group, perhaps a maximum of twenty or more. Facilitated by Wendy Stokes, the workshop began at 10am and we got together in pairs to clarify a question that we would ask the Spirit of Divination to answer during the day. Answers very much depend upon the question asked! For those who wanted their question to remain private, they could speak about how they felt about the question as sometimes, we dare not ask the question we most need to ask due to anxiety about the possible answer - so the day started with a challenge - for the members to be genuine and to take a risk and trust. Their questions were written down and placed under a candle which was devoted to the archangel Michael.
During the day we used scrying mirrors, cards, crystal balls, pendulums and other means to receive an answer. Many members of the group kindly brought divination tools that they recommended and shared these with everyone. We had a wonderful variety: an obsidian (black volcanic glass) mirror; modern mirrors made by local gypsies; glass, quartz and magical scrying balls; oracle and tarot cards to add ideas, suggestions and possibilities to the answers we might receive. As the date coincided with the feast of Michael and All Angels, we included a short ritual honouring Michael as the lord of ‘inspiration and enlightenment’ and asked him (and all angels) to bless our questions and provide guidance for answers. The questions were placed in a ‘wish’ box or ‘wisdom’ box (both titles suggested by the group). At 4pm, the questions were removed and burnt. Many of the group felt they had received pertinent and valuable answers to their question.
Next workshop on Divination for Fascination, Discovery and Enjoyment is on Tues October 8th 2013. With the crystal ball, Gypsy Scrying Mirror, gemstones for healing, dowsing rods and pendulums and other interesting items. Attenders are asked to bring a question for the Spirit of Divination and we will see if Spirit provide an answer.
Additionally, two workshops also facilitated by Wendy Stokes are on Angels as Messengers, Healing Angels, Angels of Light and Fallen Angels. Angels are still as popular today as in ancient times, and just as powerful! We will bring angel energy into our workshop space, with a personal meeting with our Guardian Angel'. The workshop will end with a ritual to invite the Angels Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel and Michael into our lives.
Dates for Angels: Fri October 5th and Sat October 12th 10am -4pm
All workshops are £35 Telephone Atlantis Spiritual Centre to book on 07982-824230
Atlantis Spiritual Centre is situated at the Sacred Wood Garden Centre, Theobalds Road, Crews Hill, Enfield EN2 9DG
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