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The best thing about my small group of 8 people is that this is the ideal size for an indepth group and there was plenty of time for sharing ideas and experiences. A larger group tends to be discussions which dilute the huge amount of learning that can be achieved in just a few hours of working together with dedicated goddess practitioners.
Goddesses as archetypes and subpersonalities, their ability to have independent power and influence our lives were covered. The balance of power within female and male deities and the importance of a pantheon to offer an array of specialities and aspects of life was also mentioned. How we can contact our Higher Power and access the big person that we were intended to be was included at the end. Hathor, Maat, Nut and Sekhmet were on the agenda, but the day focussed on Isis as Goddess of Healing, Compassion and Love and her narrative as the loving wife of the God Osiris, killed by the God Set, his cut pieces were scattered to the 4 corners of the land. Isis, in her grief, and with huge determination, searched for these precious parts and miraculously rebuilt Osiris, bringing him back to life to father the falcon God Horus. This is a story of new beginnings in springtime, as the Earth is seeded, made possible in the barren desert of Egypt by the fresh water of the Nile inundation as it delivered fish and waterbirds, watered the crops and raised healthy livestock and strong people whose extraordinary civilisation built the world's greatest monuments and created our most amazing artworks. My workshop on Egyptian Goddesses was held at Spirit of Isis in Sun Street Waltham Abbey on Saturday 6th April.
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