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As usual, I am sharing with you the little things that make me think about healing ourselves.
I want to share something with you that I do not have my head around completely yet, this is Emotional timing.
What I am discovering is that all emotions are either in the past or in the future but never in the moment. In the moment, we experience feelings. An emotion for me is something we think and a feeling is something we experience.
Emotions are in our head, and feelings are in our bodies (soul body, physical body, mental body, bliss body earth body etc).Emotions can make you feel and feelings can make you emotional, but they never seem to be together.
“If you think about a child who falls over there first reaction is never to cry in the moment the child is experiencing a feeling then the child’s brain relates falling with crying and sadness and then the child begins to cry. In the moment the child’s brain had no emotion just feeling in this case a feeling of lack of joy.”
Total joy would equate to us feeling blissfully happy after the moment and total lack of joy would have us feeling devastating sadness after the moment. I have concluded that in the moment we feel total joy/love or total lack of joy/love and levels in between. Before or after the rare total connected moments in our lives we have our emotions. We feel worry about things that have not happened and we “stinky think” about these things we have not experienced yet, creating fear and uncertainty. We get angry over what has happened and frustrated and sad as we cannot change the things that have past. However, in the past or in the future there is no joy/love at any level so if we live in the past or in the future we are starving ourselves of joy/love and over feeding our thinking mind.
To be totally full of joy and love means we would need to exist as much as possible in the moment. I know this is easier sad than done but I believe that if we strive for a few minutes a day and work at building it up over time we can learn to be truly connected to ourselves. Our emotions feed our thinking mind not our souls.
It comes back to the same old situation. Being in the moment, grounded and connected to yourself can only happen if you let go of the past and of the future and allow yourself to feel your true self in the moment.
For me this is quite scary, I find I am more in the moment when I am with clients than any other time in my life. Realising this makes me feel a lack of joy. I am trying to find out ways that I can make myself present more often I will share my findings as I go along for you all to consider.
In the end it seems clearing your old emotions and stepping out of your future worries is extremely imported to find true total love and joy
I hope this makes some sense to you
Best regards
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