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Isua Stone
Isua Stone
This is a rare stone form the supracrustal belt in Greenland.
Only recently discovered this mineral is among the oldest that has been identified. Isua Stone is over 3.75 billion years old, from the Archaean Eon, The Archean Eon began about 4 billion years ago with the formation of the Earth's crust and extended to the start of the Proterozoic Eon 2.5 billion years ago.
Isua stone by its very nature is very grounding, helping you anchor your soul into the body.
It is a stone of protection and helps in the removal of blockages whilst being an excellent shield against any negative energy. It can be both balancing and stimulating.
A stone of truth and ancient wisdom, it can be very useful for travelling through time and space.
During meditation with this stone, it may help you to recouple with the state of awareness in which your spirit first arrived on the Earth plan. It is also a useful stone to have to help to tap into the Earth's records.
The Isua Greenstone Belt is an Archean Greenstone Belt in southwestern Greenland. The belt is aged between 3.7 and 3.8 Ga, making it amongst the oldest rock in the world.
The belt contains variably metamorphosed mafic volcanic and sedimentary rocks.
The occurrence of boninitic geochemical signitures offers evidence that plate tectonic processes may be responsible for the creation of the belt. The presence of pillowed basalts indicates that liquid water existed on the surface at this time.
When you look at the Isua Greenstone Belt all you see is an agglomeration of small stones and pebbles. It may not lo

Isua Stone
ok too exciting. There are plenty of places where you could see something very similar today. But this was laid down when the planet was not much more than millions of years old! The thing that blew the geologists’ minds when they first found the Isua Greenstone Belt was this. Pebbles are fashioned by waves or running water. No other mechanism can produce them. And this means that there was both land and sea already around on this very young planet. In turn this means that the surface, at least, must already have been nearly as cool as it is today – even if just underneath it was still very much hotter. The geologists had simply not believed it possible that the planet was already settling down into old age as early as this.
The Isua Greenstone is basically the pebbles which are glued together by black gunge which turns out to be carbon deposits. Many scientists are very excited by this carbon, because it seems to contain telltale evidence that it was produced by life. If life did indeed get going so very early, then that is extremely exciting.
The area in Greenland where the Isua Stone and Nuummite are found dates back almost four billion years and is known as the Isuakasia, where it’s obtained, is situated close to the Inland Ice Cap which is very difficult to access. For this reason combined with their rarity, these minerals will never become available in large quantities.
Isua stone it about 750 million years older than Nuummite.
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