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The mindset of reincarnation as far as the individual is concerned is now well established within the human psyche. We know that as individuals, we are the sum total of our past lives and hold within our DNA all the knowledge gained and wisdom learned from every life we have ever lived. We have become adept at consciously raising such information as and when we need it and recognising ourselves in old photographs taken long before we were born. Spirit also lends a helping hand in bringing such information to our attention by way of co-incidences in time, deja vu and through our instincts.
However, less is discussed the issue of the balancing of the purpose of build-up of karmic of events associated with the Universal Collective and those who participate in this process to enable it to happen. This is where large numbers of people suffer the same fate at different times in different places throughout the world for the better good of humanity. Such acts are usually associated with mass extinctions of the populace, whether it is by the hand of nature of due to human intent and such events affect all of us at a soul level, and this enables humanity can evolves mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
What many of us may not realize is that over the last ten years we have been involved in the unfolding of a karmic balancing of a such an event, the ramification of which has made itself known in that of a person’s body weight.
In order to understand this present karmic balancing of the Universal Collective, we need to return to before the mid 1960’s when personal weight wasn’t really an issue; it was left up to the individual to decide how he or she wished to express or define themselves with regard to their visual appearance. That was until 1965 when a seismic shift began to take place when the body measurements of fashion models, which were in the region of 34-23-36 accompanied by a height of five foot five and taller, were replaced by very slim, androgynous looking models with measurements of 31-23-32, with a height of around five foot eleven and taller. Since then, fashion designers worldwide have been inspired by this unnatural body type and their designs demand young models to meet the latter of the two measurements. As a consequence, some models have an eerie similarity to those survivors of the death camps, and this comparison is not co-incidental.
The consequence of this shift is that since the mid 1960s, there has been an unrelenting pressure on us to have a body shaped that is neither natural nor healthy. The stresses and strains of this together with other modern day pressures has resulted in some people hot footing it to the fast, processed and pre-cooked food outlets to find some fleeting comfort to relieve insecurities fed by unobtainable expectations, and this disastrous combination has lead to an epidemic of eating disorders that we are witnessing today.
From the spiritual perspective, this epidemic has a Divine purpose. Irrespective of how distressing the conditions of obesity, anorexia and bulimia are to experience within the physical realms, spiritually they are simply a guise used to enable a balancing of a Universal Collective karmic event and there are two pointers to show that this is the case. The first is that all three eating disorders are self-imposed and as such are the complete opposite to those individuals who suffer from enforced starvation, weight gain or loss due to a medical condition or medication. This opposite leads us to the second pointer. If we look carefully, we can see the invisible thread of karma running back from today to the source of where and when our obsession about weight and its ongoing fallout began, which for this purpose was during the first sixty years of the twentieth century.
By identifying the cause of the Universal Collective karmic build up, can we start to understand why in this day and age, thirty percent of the world’s population, which represents 2.33 billion people, is now considered to be obese and a further fifteen to twenty percent, 1.4 billion suffer from eating disorders. These shocking numbers show that a Universal Collective karmic event is being balanced rather than 2.33 billion individual balancing the same number of different karmic events.
So, what happened in the first sixty years of the twentieth century to warrant a Universal Collective of balancing karma? We don’t have to go back very far to find when millions of innocent people were deliberately exterminated by three despots, who used starvation as a weapon to enforce their will on that of the people. The first was Stalin who in 1932/33 orchestrated Holodomor, the man-made famine in the Ukraine, where it is thought that up to twelve million people were starved to death. The death camps run by Hitler between 1933 and 1945 during which time at least six million people were starved to death or were in a state of starvation before they were exterminated, is the second event. The third is in China, when between the years 1958 to 1961; a staggering forty-five million people were starved to death in the wake the Great Leap Forward authored by Mao.
In total 63 million strong, brave and heroic, innocent souls were murdered by starvation. Bearing in mind that our reincarnation turn around can be as short as thirty years, means that since the mid 1960s, some of these self same souls have started to reincarnate into the condition that will help them balance the Universal Collective karma. In order for this to be possible, a couple of scenarios were set up on the earth plane to enable this karmic balancing to take place. One was people aspiring to become androgynous looking fashion models, which for most could only be achieved with becoming either anorexic or bulimic. The second scenario required was the introduction of fast food and pre-cooked food outlets, which contain unhealthy ingredience, which was required to enable obesity.
Although many of these souls are doing themselves great harm on the earth plane, by doing so they are working through the karmic traumas associated with experiencing such a cruel death in a previous life. However, it must not be overlooked that some of these souls will have been the perpetrators in one of the causes that enabled the Universal Collective event to take place and as such, they will also be balancing their own individual karmic events. At this point, it is very important to remind ourselves not to be judgmental because we all live a life where our behaviour is barbaric, and to judge others will merely highlight our tendency to be hypocritical.
The spiritual fallout that has come from this present Universal Collective karmic balancing is far reaching in its own right it hasn’t finished yet. So far, it has highlighted that both the corporates and the establishments are willing to emotionally and mentally cripple its people for profit by feeding on the insecurities of the human condition.
In part II we will discuss how these insecurities are being used by Spirit to help balance Universal Collective karma and how we all benefit from it. There are services on my web site and for those who may interested in finding out what their spiritual purpose of weight is.
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