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Rise above it.
You might not be aware of it but we are actually living in a much higher loving godlike frequency. What does this mean?. If we wish to place a label on it as we humans like to do then I will try to explain it like this. As more of us awaken to who WE TRULY are and more children are being born with the hardware to traverse the higher frequencies with ease, we are systematically raising the overall consciousness of our collective experience here on planet Earth. The ascension isn't something that's only going to happen on the 21st Dec 2012, we're already in it, although that date could be a catalyst for much bigger changes. We are already traversing the higher frequencies of what is also termed the 5th dimension, we just haven't all realised yet. What this means is that manifestation and thought can become things much quicker than it did before. Yikes!!!
What does that mean?
Well, it means that each of us are becoming expert magicians without having the training to use it. A bit like having a powerful sports car without having the advanced training to use it.
If we're not careful we are going to be firing off our magic wand in all sorts of directions and then get extremely annoyed when a goblin appears to irritate us.
Here's the dilemma.
Currently we live in a world of Polarity, where negative and positive experiences happen all the time. In actual fact, polarity is also an illusion. Only love exists, everything else is a distortion in order for the self or the One to experience. Each of us are a part of the ONE. Anyhow, I have digressed a bit. My point is this -- the ONE has allowed itself to split into many parts, in doing so it has stepped down it's awareness in order to experience this denser form of illusion, and I say illusion because anything other than PURE LOVE is a distortion from the ONE, anything other than this is an illusion how ever subtle the differences maybe. Within the drama, some souls at this time still want to hold onto the negative type of experience. These people are also expert magicians, unfortunately they also understand the tools of manifestation and know how to use them correctly. But all is not lost as I will try to go into. In the mean time just send them light as their days are numbered now that the tide has turned in favour of the Light.
So what's my point?
Well, things like bird flu, Swine flu, SARS or any other kind of virus only has power if we allow it. Placing the following type of headline in our main stream media (below) is designed to create Fear, this is the very emotion when used by the vast majority that will actually give power to the very thing the majority doesn't want to manifest. The negative magician has NO power over us, unless we actually think it into being ourselves. Which is

Appriciate Nature
done through feeling fearful and constantly worrying about world events.
"Swine flu 'could kill up to 120m'
The sudden rise of swine flu may trigger a pandemic that could wipe out 120million people, an expert has warned"
Just step outside of the drama and become an observer, stay in alignment with your higher self and trust that you are protected, keep your light strong. Make sure you eat healthily, meditate, always think positive things, go out into nature and appreciate all that is good with the world. It maybe true that negative individuals introduced the virus into the world, but it will be stopped in it's tracks as long as we don't give it the power it needs to manifest. We are so much more powerful that most of us recognise. Just remember, there is only ONE. The person writing these words is also the person now reading these words. It's just a question of perspective, the illusion at this level is so much stronger and easier to buy into. The higher we place our focus the more we realise we are truly ONE. We have to remember we are also the virus and the negative magician hoping to manifest it. God is in everything, we are simply within the mind of God. If we think like God and place our awareness on that plane then you will see that all is just drama in order to experience the many facets of self. We can choose our life to be exactly how we want it to be. When we go home to other side (which is a much lesser illusion) we will realise just how much power we had and didn't use. Don't make that mistake now, use these tools now.
Yes, the road will be bumpy as we continue along the ascension pathway as there is still a lot of cleansing and transmuting to be done, but each of us have many potential futures, if not infinite. We knew about these potentials before jumping into the game feet first. We also helped design our lives from the clarity of the One-ness. We optimistically said before jumping in:
"I will take the most harmonious route, this game is fun, it is easy, I will walk the most joyful path and know my connection to the One".
Then we jumped in, and said "Who am I, why am I here?, Where did I come from?" and completely forgot the mission. However many of us have done the impossible, we have started to remember and in so doing we have remembered that there is always an easier more joyful path. So I say to you my friends, just keep that vision in your minds, keep the vision of the joyful path always.
I bid you the best of luck, although I doubt you will need it if you have read this far.
Ps. Also remember what you said:
"I will take the most harmonious route, this game is fun, it is easy, I will walk the most joyful path and know my connection to the One".
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