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Maria Zhuravleva
Each human being has been equipped with wonderful powers when they come to live on Earth. We have beautiful eyes that can perceive the world, we have a loving heart that can share its warmth, we have hands that help us to communicate with the reality.
Our hands have incredible power. They help us to touch and feel, create and build, communicate and deliver messages. Most importantly, the hands have energy.
Energy is the primary way of communication that is taking place all the time. Every time we touch an object, its energy goes through our hands into our heart and the third eye. We become aware of the energy of the object.
Every time we touch something with our hands we also give it our own energy. This way we can uplift somebody with our hands, bring light to space and heal our body with our light.
Our hands are constantly exchanging information with the outer world and they are extremely accurate in their perception. This communication is based on a feeling and intuition and is directly related to our heart. Through hands we can get to the real core of the energy.
One of the most powerful abilities of the hands is communicating to people through energy. Every time we touch somebody’s hand, we exchange intuitive information on a deep telepathic level. We understand, we see, we share – without the need to say or explain anything.
Through my work I found that it is possible to connect to the hand’s energy and receive messages for the person from higher realms. In the moment when you touch someone’s hand, your energies connect and bring you awareness and clarity about the situation. They also bring you solace, peace and love as the energy of the hand is directly related to the heart.
Here is an exercise you can do to connect to someone deeply:
1. Sit next to each other in a comfortable position. Take several deep breaths, close your eyes and relax completely.
2. Take each other by the hand so that the middle of your palms face each other. Keep breathing deeply while you are feeling the energy starting to run between your hands. Allow the breath to take you deeper while you connect to the true essence of another person.
3. Send love and light through your hand to the other person. Imagine a beautiful current of light is travelling from one hand to the other. Observe how it is happening and enjoy the healing energy enveloping both of you.
4. Bless the person with your energy and send your light. Express your love and gratitude for this experience and for them being in your life.
5. Gently release the hands and come back to your normal position. Stay with your eyes closed for a moment feeling the energy of this beautiful experience. When you are ready, open your eyes and share your experience if you like.
This is a simple but incredibly powerful exercise which will help you to connect with people in your life on a much deeper level of heart and energy. Every time you will be doing this exercise, you will be feeling lighter and a pleasant wave of love, understanding and peace will fill your whole being.
When we communicate on the level of the energy our life changes. Suddenly we are able to perceive so much more, beyond appearances, beyond concepts, just on the level of feeling and knowing. We will grow with every experience of this kind and step into a new dimension of healing, loving and feeling.
Maria’s Universe
Hand Readings are available distantly and in person:
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