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Spine of Europe
Travel along Spine of Europe: From Cranium to Sacrum, Clearing Crown-to-Root chakras of warrior energies
HAIKU, Maui, Aug 25 - I was writing this morning to a friend in Maastricht, The Netherlands, to arrange a meeting with him and his wife in Trier, Germany, during my upcoming Constantine Trail of Closure, Joy in October. I was suddenly overcome with strong emotions, including tears, looking at this Porta Nigra (Black Gate) photo my friend had sent me from his last visit to Trier in 2009 (right). On the left, he also sent me a model of what the Porta Nigra looked like in Roman times.
And then, as I was contemplating the meaning of it all, it hit me. I suddenly saw a picture of Europe as a human body with the head in Great Britain and the Sacrum in Constantinople-Izmit. Our planned route of our 3,100-mile journey looked like an X-ray of a spine of the Old Continent (left).
"So that's what this is REALLY about," I whispered to myself. "It's not just about me and Constantine. It's about clearing the European chakras of the warrior-type energy."
I shuddered at the magnitude of the idea. "Oh, my God," I whispered out loud when I realized how awesome a responsibility this was. At the same time, I felt so humbled to have been chosen for this task. "Well, you're cleaning up your own mess," my Higher Self seemed to cut me down to s

Seven Chakras, Rays, Music Notes
For, this is exactly the route that Constantine's life followed 17 centuries ago. Not on a straight line, of course. But our planned trip connects all of the key points in Constantine's lifetime as marked on the map I sent to my friend in The Netherlands (right).
The warrior energies Constantine seeded in these key chakras of the European continent have been the cause of many wars. Successive monarchs and conquerors tried to emulate the Roman Emperor, in quest for what they thought was the pinnacle of power. And now, I realize, my guides want me to dismantle it, to take Constantine down from the pedestal, like that image of Saddam Hussein's enormous monument being pulled down. And I am to do it at each of the seven chakras.
So I wrote to my friend in Maastricht:
"I can see that this will be a hard visit... and a difficult trip, too. When I look at the map I sent you, I see us traveling along the Spine of Europe, clearing the Constantine (warrior) energies from the Cranium to the Sacrum of Europe, and from the Crown to the Root chakras."
After that, new revelations kept flooding in. My guides made me realize exactly which chakra-soul ray-music note-color was to be cleared at each of the seven key points of the 3,100-mile journey from York, England, to Izmit (Nicea) Turkey (you can see them also on the map below)...
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