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Mother Earth
An essay on how to help Mother Earth heal herself
Let's Get Down to Earth to Connect with Heaven
Treating Mother Earth as living organism: Volcanoes as Gaia's way of giving birth; Understanding PERSONAL ley lines - key to connecting Heaven and Earth
Okay, so I admit it. I am an ET. I have been incarnating all over the universe, not just on Planet Earth. Shocked? Well, so was I when I first learned it three years ago from two multi-dimensional beings. I had a hard time REALLY believing it. But the events that took place in the last couple of years, and especially in the last six months, have established beyond a shadow of a doubt that that's who I am: An ET. An honest to goodness "Celestial Traveler," some of my spiritual guides have put it. My astral name is Altzar. You've known that for some time now. And I am not alone. There are many other ET's incarnated on Earth at this time. We have all come to help humanity and Planet Earth at this critical time of our evolution.
The reason I feel it was important for me to identify at the outset my ET spiritual DNA is because earthly beings need to realize that they are not alone. Nor is the Earth the only place where life exists. Here's what the three Light Beings said to us about that in a Jan 9 group channeling session through Earl Backman:
"It is important for the earth beings to understand that they are not the only inhabitants on the planet. It is important to note that even those earth-based beings who have been here for millennia came from somewhere else. It is important to understand that Earth is not the only place in the universe that sustains life. We consider it an extreme of hub

Sirius A and B
ris for earth beings to think that life only exists on planet Earth."
If you have a problem wrapping your mind around this concept, perhaps you need to do some research first and study how the earthly and spiritual realms are connected to each other and with the universe. But if you're okay with my "coming out of the closet" ET revelation, I can assure you will find this essay a fascinating read.
For those of you who don't know me. I am an Inca-trained and thrice ordained shaman, widely published writer, musician, video-filmmaker, and a business consultant for major multinational computer companies. I also have an engineering degree. In other words, I can use both my left and right brains equally. BOTH were needed to write this story. But the credit for this essay does not belong to me. It belongs to my guides and teachers from the spiritual realm. They include three Light Beings from another galaxy who have come to assist mankind at this critical time of transition from one era to another. Thank you, LBs!
[Light Beings do not have physical bodies. But humans like to ascribe physical characteristics to everything. So here is how you can envisage them, if you wish (right photo), as the three cute stuffed toy figures which Elizabeth had made last year. They bring us keys to love and wisdom that we already have deep inside our souls. There is a hidden message in the way they look and are arranged on our writing desk. Get it?].
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