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I was inspired to write this article about the feather after reading Cherokee Billie's amazing descriptive piece titled "Have you picked up a feather lately?".
I consider this so important, that I'm posting this as a general blog and a separate piece for The Meadow Group. I hope the administrators don't mind me doing this.

Solar activity is what affects human behaviour. It dictates how we stay warm or freeze, and how our consciousness switches according to the magnetic impulses as its energy reaches us in many different ways. We are not designed to absorb energy from a direct source. This is all part of the human experience whereby we seek and learn how to progress. We require another medium for this, one of which is the feather.

Our soft, smooth outer skin is an organ designed only to purge the toxins as they are removed from our inner bodies -- from within to without.The miracle that is the feather is by virtue of its perfect thermodynamic geometry. Birds and animals have to rely more on nature to supply them with the requirements of survival and the simple feather is the daddy of all protection. But it goes much further than that because of its amazing capacity to hold information, whether that be in the format of heat, electromagnetic influence or spiritual energy. We have all been influenced by the presence of the feather in some way or other and we have subconsciously absorbed the emanating energies that have helped to mould us into what we are today.

Take the feather quilts and pillows that many of us have had the pleasure to sleep with during the course of our lives. Think of the void created in the countryside without the singing of the birds. Their very presence has an effect upon us of which we are totally oblivious. Somehow, we have all been subjected to the feather and its magical properties.

And then we have our dreams! This part is so precious and close to my heart because without my dream about the owl many years ago, there would be no story about "The Meadow." I was only four when I had a dream about an owl. The idea for a story that was implanted into my subconscious at that time was based around the feather of the owl. And it is the feather which becomes the interconnected thread that holds the story of The Meadow together.

After I had met Elfreda Pretorius, the reality of this dream manifested into the story which is soon to be published. Between us we have authored this novel and the owl and the eagle are major components encrypted into the storyline. "The Meadow" is about two people who, through trying and succeeding to find each other over many lives and over many centuries, demonstrate the interconnectedness of the Universe through the expression of their love.

Without the feather, these two progressing souls would not have managed to overcome the many obstacles that were placed in their way. Time and time again, through thick and thin, the feather and its symbolic meaning carries these two to the next level each time they reincarnate into this troubled world. The final outcome is in the way of a message that will benefit all who reads this amazing story.

Thanks to the feather, my amazing dream and the legend which became manifest through the auspices of our combined imaginations, Elfreda and I are about to witness a new age and a message from "The Meadow" appropriate and proportionate to relieving this troubled world of some of its major problems. Read it and believe it and your world will never be the same again. I promise you. And just for good measure, here is the legend of the feather below taken from "The Meadow."

Every Native American has heard the story and dreams of one day finding the feathers. It is said that following a night of the full moon, when the mountain snows have disappeared and the buffalo finally return, the most wondrous crossing of two sacred birds takes place in the skies above the open plains.
Cloaked in the gloom of early dawn, the eagle leaves its lofty nest and approaches the forest where it circles silently, waiting with piercing eyes for the owl to rise from the wooded darkness. Before the sun illuminates the outer rim of the world, the king of the day and lord of the night rapidly ascend into the heavens where, in a sight to behold, they initiate a spectacular aerial display.
But when daylight creeps stealthily across the prairie, the birds unexpectedly drop from the sky and plunge toward a seemingly inevitable, but senseless death. Shrieking with talons extended, on an apparent collision course with the earth, they abruptly pull out of the free fall and silently glide past each other. It is rumored that just as a glimpse of the rising sun is captured in the eye of the owl, and when the fading moon shimmers in the glare of the eagle, a tail feather is dropped by each bird.
Legend has it that the feathers will bring their finder true love and bless him with wisdom. Every young brave dreams of wearing a headdress proudly displaying these feathers. But there’s one more sacred promise; to live forever with the one that you love.

If you have been inspired reading about the feather and "The Meadow" then please consider joining our recently-formed
The Meadow Group on Facebook. It would be great to see you there where you can interact either by posting comments or creating your own ideas around this story of which you will be sharing in its progress and success.
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