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Did you ever feel as if you are drifting along on auto pilot? You wake up one morning and realize that your actions have become pretty routine. The decisions you made, choices you fabricated and plans you have carried out and continue to carry out were made in the past. Do they reflect the best for your highest good NOW?
As a parent I remember feeling the frustrations of each step. Dealing with the ups and downs of pregnancy, then the birthing, then the teething, diaper rash…later the school years, bullies, tears of their unhappiness with themselves through puberty, college, and on and on. Where were the instructions? Everyone I knew had advice for me. Publishers make millions on how-to books. But did they really know what was best for MY situation? MY home life?
Today I still find times of frustration. Where are the answers? Could we possibly truly have chosen to come here as spirit to take on this physical journey? WE CHOSE HERE?? NOW…EARTH?? REALLY?? What were we thinking!
If in fact I did choose to come here, then how can I become less frustrated in my quest? The more I remove myself from TV and negative media the more sensitive I become to plants and animals residing beside me. I watch them. I learned through meditation to communicate with minerals, plants and animals. I feel them. So if I can learn to better tune out and tune in then aren't I making a choice as to how I wish to continue my journey? Hey, if I chose to come her then I'm going to try and make it a smoother ride...shouldn't we all?
Meditation can open you to the possibilities that are held within. Wow, is this the instruction manual that didn't come home from the delivery room with us? Maybe. Maybe by setting time aside each day you will begin to unravel the guidance that has been there all along.
Find your instruction manual with meditation. It may come in bits and pieces and you will have to learn how to read the language of your higher self and guides, but you can do it. The information is very personal and is designed for only you.
To learn how to meditate please read Instruction Manual
I have moved my thoughts into action through meditation- this has caused me to create artwork for a cause please take a look.
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