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When things happen in your life and you feel scared and want to run to escape the closed in feeling it is important to remember that the Angels are always with you, supporting you and guiding you. They can take your fears and worries away – as fears and worries are nothing but an illusion and can only exist in your life if you allow them to. You just have to find the strength and the courage to overcome the anxieties certain people and situations create in your life. The reason it is happening is to give you an opportunity to develop spiritually and learn valuable lessons about how you conduct yourself throughout your life.
Call on Archangel Michael and ask him to take away your upsets, fear based energies and anything that serves you no purpose. Archangel Michael will take these negative emotions and send them back up to source where they will be transmuted through the Violet Flame.
Another option is to invoke the Violet Flame yourself. You can do this by closing your eyes and holding out your hands and imagine that you are holding the Violet Flame between your two hands. Then, with the power of thought, imagine the person, situation, room or object that you wish to cleanse and ask the Violet Flame to transmute the negative energy surrounding the person, situation, room or object. Once this has been done then set the intention for the Violet Flame to send the negative energy back up to source.
Sage is a very powerful cleansing herb and is perfect to use for smudging away any form of negativity, whether it be your own negative thought forms, psychic attack, negative thought forms of friends or family members, even just the energy in a room! The best way to use sage is to burn it, as the smoke soaks up the negative energy. Make sure you have windows and doors open so that the smoke can leave the building you are using – taking the negative energy with it! You can smudge people’s auras with sage by wafting the smoke around their energy field, you can smudge rooms – making sure you smudge the corners in particular as negative energy tends to accumulate in the corners. To cleanse an object simply move it through the smoke of burning sage.
Mantras and positive affirmations are a great way to release hurt and emotional pain. Positive statements can help undo the conditioning that has taken place as a result of the situation that has made you feel hurt and upset. Affirmations that encourage you to recognise and believe that you are a strong, powerful, loving person will soon have you feeling empowered and ready to take on the world again! There are lots of wonderful books, cds and meditations available with mantras and positive affirmations to help you build this daily practice into your life!
Remember that only you can make the positive choice to release and surrender to Divine love and wisdom!
Magical blessings
Indigo Star x
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