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Know that you are not alone. Know that there is a higher force that is much bigger then you, much bigger than any situation or person in your life that may be trying to create negativity. This force is the Divine.
Divine love is so pure and full of grace. When you allow Divine love into your heart you know that things are going to be ok. Trust and faith are a big element in allowing this love to enter your heart. It is fear and the mental blockage of our ego that prevents many of us from allowing ourselves to fully embrace Divine love. Only you can break down this barrier by releasing your resistance in embracing Divine love.
For a start, accept that all is how it should be. This means accepting that in this moment in time whatever is happening in your life is meant to be happening. Don’t even question why, release the need to understand and control your life.
The one thing you can control is your feelings. So, remember that peace and serenity come from within. Whatever is happening outside around you can only affect your peace and serenity within if you allow it to.
The Love & Light Prayer is a very powerful yet simple to remember prayer that when used regularly can re-train your mind from years of negative conditioning and help you to harness the Law of Attraction by enabling you to take control of your thoughts and feelings.
Whenever you feel any negative thoughts or emotions starting to surface, immediately start saying the Love & Light Prayer and this will transmute any negativity into beautiful positive energy
The Love & Light Prayer
Love & Light
Love & Light
I Send Love & Light
Love & Light
Love & Light
I Speak Love & Light
Love & Light
Love & Light
I Breathe Love & Light
Love & Light
Love & Light
I AM Love & Light
Love & Light
Love & Light
I Am Blessed with Love & Light
Magical blessings
Indigo Star x
About the author:
Indigo Star has a strong connection to Ancient Atlantis and it was this connection that led her to working with Violet Flame Reiki and Atlantean Healing energy. Indigo loves working with the Angelic energies and in particular with Angelic Reiki as channelled by Kevin Core. The key focus of Indigo's work is to guide people on their spiritual paths and coach them and encourage them through their life journey. As well as offering individual healing sessions and facilitating workshops and Angelic Reiki courses, Indigo also enjoys writing inspirational spiritual articles.
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