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The Spiritual Path isn’t an easy one. It is really tough going sometimes but the beauty of the Universe and the feeling of Love and Peace that we get to experience is so worth it!
It is the experiences that we have to go through and the lessons that we have to learn along this path that makes it tough going but it is these experiences and lessons that transform us into the strong powerful lightworkers that we are.Self-reflection is definitely up there at the top of the list for one of the hardest things to do in life. Facing our fears head on and then releasing those fears is one of the most important steps on the path to enlightenment yet it is one of the most scariest. Facing our fears is so important because the reality is that it is our fears that are holding us back.We need to ask ourselves what exactly is it that we are scared of? When I worry about money why do I worry about money because the reality is that myself and my daughter have clothes to wear, food to eat and warm beds to sleep in – so why fear?
I am also learning that when disruption appears in an area of my life it is happening for a reason – a Divine reason and I shouldn’t immerse myself in the negativity of the situation but should in fact release and surrender myself to the Universe and prepare for what is in store for me next as a result of the disruption. I have realised that negative situations result in positive outcomes although we struggle to allow ourselves to see it at the time. We need to open our eyes to blessings in disguise.
When we reflect on previous problems/issues in our lives, they often don’t seem as dramatic as what they were at the time and we can see how it played a huge part in putting us on the path leading to the good things that have happened in our lives.We need to start having a little faith in ourselves – in our Divine selves. Ask yourself this question – do you trust your Soul? If the answer is yes then trust that the life purpose contract that you put together for yourself before you incarnated on this earth has your full best interest at heart and trust that you knew what you were doing when you selected your life challenges and lessons. If the answer is no you don’t trust your soul then this is the first area of self-reflection for you to work through.
The lessons that I am learning at the moment are:
Go with the flow and embrace life – no matter what lessons it throws at you.
Always speak, act and feel from a place of love.
Accept 100% responsibility for your thoughts, actions and words and the role that you play in situations.
Empower yourself by setting boundaries for how you allow people to treat you and taking positive control of the situation if people overstep those boundaries.
Be aware of your thoughts and feelings about areas of your life because you attract into your life what you think and what you feel.
You can only experience what you allow yourself to experience. When you start recognising patterns in your life have the courage to work through them head on to enable yourself to break down your karmic patterns. Coming to these realisations is the easy bit, putting the positive changes into action is where the challenges arise – easier said than done is the phrase that comes to mind. I am now finding that the Universe is now creating opportunities for me to practise putting these learnt lessons into practise. I haven’t fully mastered the lessons yet but I improve with each opportunity slowly but surely. Self-reflection is an ongoing journey and once I have mastered the above mentioned lessons then I am sure there are plenty more lessons for me to learn!
I am forever evolving as a lightworker.
Magical blessings
Indigo Star x
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